Saturday, January 9, 2010

20. mandala art

Its everywhere, in temples, corridors, bridges, walls.... some of it is spectacular specially the many Taras.

19. Night skies

A full moon followed us from Phunsholeng to thimphu! Every night the skies were a delight- a high wattage moon and a zillion stars hung low and bright over the inky blue sky.

18. strange trees

Bhutan has some really queer trees- this one with green eyes!

17 Thimphu's weekend market

From friday to sunday, this lovely market with a wooden bridge over the river is quite a pretty hangout.

16. Bhutan's national memorial

In thimphu, this memorial brings locals in hordes and their simple faith and joy at being able to be there is a delight to watch.

15. Bhutan's astrology

Quite the best kept secret, thimphu has a dedicated monastery for astrological studies funded by international organisations. 120 lamas are being trained and one of them did my predictions. It includes past lives, future lives and some essential details about the present.

14. Paro's airport

Bhutan's only airport is in paro valley- a single runway and a single airline. The river snakes around the edge of the airport.

13. Thimphu Dzong

hard to see inside except in the late evenings, the dzong looks really spectacular from viewing points such as this. the kings living quarters are just below the dzong.

12. Guru Padmasambha

this dazzling rock face comes as a surprise on the drive out of thimphu. a small chorten and temple signifies his protective spirit over the valley.

11. Paro Valley

Spreading over 15 kms, the valley makes picturesque views as you drive through it- at each turn the vistas change and expanse leaves you enchanted.

10. Takin

this strange national animal has a mythical story of being transformed from a goat and a cow by the famous madman lama.

9. Paro dzong

An impressive big dzong, it makes a dramatic view along with the National museum as you enter the Paro valley.

8. The snow ranges

its quite stunning to see miles and miles of snow peaks enroute Punakha. just a fraction of the view here.

7. Dochu La

Right in the middle of the highway is a circular collection of 108 chortens. Its impossible to shoot them together without being airborne but here is a few of them to give you the general idea.

6. Jhomolhari

The panoranic snow peaks of Dochu La spread over 180 degrees.... the eye does tend to be arrested by the jhomolhari pyramid on the eastern end of the range.

5. Prayer Wheels

they are everywhere- small, medium, large and being turned and turned.... the belief is that the prayer inscribed on it travels in the wind for you! Such a romantic notion!

4. monks at large

the monks were more beautiful than all the monasteries- bowing, smiling, floating gracefully among the dzongs- I just bow to their ethereal presence

3. Punakha

The most scenic, lovely monastery set by the confluence of two rivers. the recently restored wooden bridge is amazing, as also the grand interiors, gardens and the loveliest monks. Sigh.

2. Kyichu Lhakhang Monastery

One of the oldest and most atmospheric monasteries in bhutan. A statue of Chenresig with a 1000 hands and 11 heads is quite amazing as is the inner hall with an original 7th cent buddha statue, cast at the same time as one in Lhasa. The entire complex has an energy heightened by the silence of the Paro valley surrounding it.

Friday, January 8, 2010

1. Snowfall over Thimphu (31/12/09)

I think it was the sheer surprise of the event that makes this the most remarkable moment. The previous night, we had driven into thimphu on a clear moonlit night- it was cold and windy and the hotel warm and wooden. With the heater next to the bed, it was hard to imagine the snowy grey morning and I was the only one to step out and find someone to drive me around the city taking many many pics and standing in the snow to know how wonderful it feels!!!